Maria Brooks - Solar Angelica 13/14.02.- Zagreb

Maria Brooks nas svakim dolaskom blagoslovi svojim jedinstvenim načinom učenja kroz povezivanje i komunikaciju s anđeoskim formama kojima nam pokazuje kako prepoznati naše više Sebstvo.
Provodeći i prenoseći snažne i duboke ali i najfinije energije iscjeljenja, poput svetog Šamana, uvodi nas u vrlo intenzivna iskustva naše vlastite povezanosti s najboljim dijelom nas samih.

Maria Brooks održat će dvodnevnu radionicu u Zagrebu 13.02./14.02. (subota i nedjelja) od 10:00 - 16:00h s pauzom za ručak od 12:00 - 13:00h.
Cijena i prijave: cijena radionice iznosi 200 kn po danu ili 350 kn ukoliko se odlučite za oba dana.

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Lokacija održavanja: Jalovečka 1, Stenjevec (Zagreb)

Više o radionici pročitajte u nastavku teksta...

Ascension and unblocking your Abundance blocks to become who you truly are.
A weekend retreat which is a master Class in understanding Ascension but more than that it is a tremendous opportunity to surrender to the truth and the vibration of the information that you hear. Let me expand your mind to future possibilities by helping you to release the deep beliefs that are holding you back. With my meditations heal, forgive, forget and let go and open up to your infinite self and potential.

We will focus on releasing your abundance blocks, clearing limiting and restricting past beliefs set deep inside you. The life you want is there, unlimited abundance is your birth right: we all need to know how! The workshop will be for you but together we will be also supporting making these changes in the collective consciousness. We must prepare ourselves to expand and no longer to shrink and keep ourselves in a place that is less than we are. We have a lot to do in the next six months. We must be able to create from our heart's desire. So join me, safely connect and experience your future self and be prepared to release unfinished business and contracts and inferior belief systems.

At another level we are working towards the union of masculine and feminine, individually and collectively. I will share this understanding from several perspectives and help you to move towards that sacred union within yourself. My energy is connected to the very purest realms of Godliness. It is healing, soothing, transmuting and much more.

INDIVIDUAL TREATMENTS. I will be available during the following week if anyone wants to follow through with their healing release.
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